Name of Programme
BSc (Hons) Computing with Business Management with integrated Foundation
Final Award
BSc (Hons)
Awarding Institution/Body
University Of ³Ô¹ÏÍø
Teaching Institution
University Of ³Ô¹ÏÍø
School of Study
School of Computing
Programme Code(s)
UBSF0MCOBZ / Full Time / 3 Years
Professional Body Accreditation
British Computer Society
Relevant Subject Benchmark Statement (SBS)
QAA SBS: Computing (2022)
Admission Criteria
Satisfactory completion of year 12 (or equivalent)
GCSE: maths and English C/4
IELTS 6.0 (with at least 5.5 in each component)
Applicable Cohort(s)
September 2023
FHEQ Level
Summary of Programme
The three year BSc in Computing major with minor option is designed for students who need additional preparation prior to undergraduate level study. The first year of the programme is intended to provide a foundation in both knowledge and academic skills for the more specialist subjects in years two and three.

Computing and communications technologies lie at the heart of modern society. They include hardware, software, networks, tools, telecommunications equipment and required standards that provide the technological framework on which the delivery of information services is based. With the advanced hardware and software technologies being used in different domains of application, there is a demand for graduates with sound technical computing and IT understanding and a fundamental awareness and understanding of one of the application domains. This programme is intended to produce graduates who have the right knowledge and skills to meet that demand.

This intensive programme is delivered in two possible modes: the normal 3-year mode starting in January or the 3¼ year mode starting in September. The intensive nature of the programme requires motivation, commitment and above all good management of time from students.

The content of this fast-track programme is compatible with the UK QAA subject benchmark statement for Computing and with the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland on levels and standards. The intensive nature of the programme requires motivation, commitment and above all good management of time.
Educational Aims of the Programme
During the first year core modules are studied which will train students to become independent learners equipped to continue their studies in years two and three. The programme aims to develop in students the ability to construct and communicate logical arguments clearly; to help students acquire and practice strategies for effective reading and for academic vocabulary development; to provide opportunities for students to develop IT skills; to train students in language awareness; to encourage students to develop general study skills, particularly including the ability to learn independently using a variety of source materials; to stimulate engagement and participation in the learning process; to encourage students to become autonomous learners. Students will have the opportunity to develop knowledge of academic subjects related to their future study.

The overall aim of this programme is to enable students to develop their potential so that they can apply what they have learnt to deal with computational problems and develop solutions in a real-world environment in relation to their minor option field. In particular, this major/minor programme of study specifically aims to produce technically sound computing graduates who are exposed to basic concepts, principles and practice of a given minor option area, equipping them with not only the technical know-how but also a fundamental understanding of the application area. Through studying this programme, students learn how to specify, design, develop and operate efficient and innovative computer-based systems and gain up-to-date knowledge and awareness of the relevant computing technologies relevant to the minor option area within a shorter space of time. Graduates of the degree programme will be able to undertake a variety of careers in the IT sector or field of related industries
Programme Outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding

At the end of the programme students should be able to gain knowledge and understanding in:
1. Use English effectively for academic study
2. Demonstrate the use of sources of information
3. Demonstrate a knowledge of the structures, functions, processes and cultures pertaining to a range of social organisations,
4. Demonstrate a knowledge of the external environment within which organizations operate, including the political, social, economic and technological contexts at both national and international levels
5. Obtain a basic foundation of the knowledge required to undertake study at a higher level in their chosen academic specialisation
6. Understand the roles that computer systems play in the modern world.
7. Understand the history of computing and evolution of computer technologies
8. Possess knowledge in mathematics that is crucial for the study of a computing programme
9. Understand basic concepts of world wide web and skills in designing useful documents on the web.
10. Gain awareness of and familiarity with university study environment

On successful completion of years 2 and 3 students should have knowledge and understanding of:

11. Roles of computer-based systems in modern societies
12. Fundamental facts, concepts, theories, principles & methodologies. Concepts and principles of the chosen minor field
13. Computer programming, together with relevant mathematical structures and concepts
14. Use of the theoretical knowledge, methods & tools in modelling, designing, implementing and deploying usable computer-based systems and related management issues
15. System architectures and related technologies
16. State-of-art development of technologies and their applications in interactive multimedia, information security, business and intelligent decision-making systems. Applications of IT in the minor field
17. Ethical, professional, social and legal issues in exploiting computing technology in practice.

Teaching/Learning Strategy

Year 1:
Modules will be delivered with a combination of lectures, seminars and small group tutorials, and with practical classes as appropriate. Teaching is supported by the use of module texts, and journal articles. The use of IT is embedded across the curriculum Understanding is reinforced by support from tutors in the form of comments based on their assignment answers. (ILO:1-10)

Years 2 and 3: (ILO:11-17)
Classroom-based teaching/learning following the principle of progressive disclosure is the main strategy for achieving all aspects of the knowledge and understanding. A variety of sessions of teacher-student interaction such as lectures, tutorials, practical classes, workshops, seminars, and project supervision sessions are deployed to enhance the understanding. Reading, practicing and interactions with teachers and peers are useful strategies of learning. Virtual learning environments, online or stand-alone software tools are used to enhance the effects of teaching and learning. The Individual project is used as an opportunity for self-directed learning.
Teaching/learning strategies corresponding to the specific aspects of knowledge and understanding are as follows:
1. Examples systems, case studies, individual project, site visits;
2. Lectures, tutorials, seminars;
3. Practical classes, coursework and individual project;
4. Module projects, individual project, group work (including role play), workshops;
5. Lectures, tutorials, individual project, literature review style coursework;
6. Strategies of specific modules;
7. Skill module on PESLI, individual project, coursework for certain modules.

Assessment Strategy

Year 1: (1-5)
Students’ knowledge and understanding will be formally assessed by completing individual tutor marked assignments, presentations, individual projects and a group project. Each module will also be assessed by unseen written examinations.

Years 2 and 3: (6-10)
Student knowledge and understanding are evaluated by a combination of the following means:
 Written exams and tests (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
 Coursework (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
 Practical exams & practical tests (3)
 Project reports and presentations (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7)
 Individual Project work (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
According to the marks awarded, students are then considered as being
 failed to achieve the knowledge and understanding,
 partially achieving the knowledge and understanding or
 fully achieving the knowledge and understanding
Programme Outcomes

Cognitive Skills

At the end of the programme, students should be able to gain skills and abilities in:
Year 1:
1. Analyse problems, sifting the irrelevant from the relevant, and expressing the results in both written and oral forms
2. Evaluate proposed solutions using appropriate methods
3. Integrate knowledge and skills from various sources into a coherent whole, making appropriate abstractions
4. Synthesise arguments from underlying
premises to produce overall conclusions
5. Demonstrate a heightened awareness of differences in culture, historical context, values and political structures
6. Present acquired knowledge from various sources.
7. Conduct logical reasoning, logical thinking and drawing sensible conclusions.
8. Build an evidence based argument and improve the quality of argument.

Years 2 and 3:
9. Gathering, evaluating, filtering and selecting useful information on new technologies from primary sources
10. Identifying problems and specifying requirements for new solutions
11. Evaluating solutions (technical and non-technical). Deploy appropriate methods and tools. Principles behind business thinking and decision making concerning the minor field
12. Modelling & designing computer-based software systems
13. Communicating knowledge to technical & non-technical audience

Teaching/Learning Strategy

Year 1:
The principles are discussed in the module texts, lectures and seminars, with many examples given to aid understanding of the processes involved. The students are also provided with practical activities to develop cognitive skills, utilising case study materials and computer software. Tutor Marked Assignments are carefully designed, pieces of work which require the skills of analysis, evaluation and integration.
The Individual Academic Essay and the Project are extended opportunities for students to further develop and be assessed on these skills (CS:1-8)

Years 2 and 3: (CS:9-13)
The skills are achieved through various forms of practical exercises. In particular,
 After-lecture revisions (1, 3, 5)
 Exercises in tutorials, practical classes and coursework (all)
 Research type module projects, Journals and articles (1, 3, 5)
 Individual Project (all)
The skills are obtained through successes and failures in the practical exercises. Feedbacks from tutors assist obtaining and improving the skills.

Assessment Strategy

All skills are assessed by the following means:
 Coursework
 Practical examinations
 Project reports
 Individual Project
According to the assessment results, students are considered as being
 failed to possess the skills,
 partially possess the skills
 competently skilled
Programme Outcomes

Practical/Transferable Skills

Practical computing skills: At the end of the programme students should be able to:
1. Work as a part of development team and recognise the roles to play within the team
2. Produce individual work and undertake self-directed learning of new knowledge for education and professional development
3. Effectively gathering, filtering and critical evaluating information
4. Effectively presenting information in written and oral forms, and communicate successfully with a variety of audiences
5. Analyse data and present the analysis results
6. Time management
7. Use appropriate theoretical and practical processes to specify, design, construct or implement, evaluate and maintain computer systems
8. Apply principles, methods and tools of system design in developing information systems that meet user needs
9. Evaluate alternatives, understand trade-off issues and deploy effective tools and methods in solving problems, working with technical uncertainty
10. Operate computer systems effectively and familiar with well-established languages, software systems and tools
Transferable skills: At the end of the programme students should be able to:
11. Produce individual work and undertake self-directed learning of new knowledge for education and professional development
12. Work as an effective part of development team and recognise the roles to play within the team
13. Analyse data and present the analysis results to a variety of audience of different backgrounds
14. Problem solving and time management

Teaching/Learning Strategy

The skills are obtained through practical exercises. In particular,
• Module projects (all)
• Individual project (all)
• Individual coursework (1,2,3,5,7,8)
• Group coursework (all)
• Extensive practical exercises in workshops and practical classes (4, 8)
• Presentations/Demonstrations (7)

Assessment Strategy

All skills are assessed by means of the following:
 Coursework (written essays and reports)
 Practical/written examinations
 Presentation/Demonstration performance
 Group work reports
 Individual Project
Individual project plays a critical role in obtaining the key skills. The importance of the individual project is reflected by a special examination convention for the programme, which states that the overall degree classification cannot be significantly higher (i.e. one grade higher) than that awarded to the project.
External Reference Points
• QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications: ()
• Relevant Subject Benchmark Statement(s): QAA Subject Benchmark Statement Computing: ()
• BCS Guidelines on Course Accreditation:
Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information on the learning outcomes, content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each course unit/module can be found in the departmental or programme handbook. The accuracy of the information contained in this document is reviewed annually by the University of ³Ô¹ÏÍø and may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency.
Date of Production
November 2021
Date approved by School Learning and Teaching Committee
Latest Revision Date: November 2023
Date approved by School Board of Study
Latest Revision Date: November 2023
Date approved by University Learning and Teaching Committee
Latest Revision Date: November 2023
Date of Annual Review
In line with the University annual monitoring review process



BSc (Hons) Computing with Business Management with integrated Foundation

UBSF0MCOBZ / Full Time / September Entry
Term 1
Key Academic Skills [L3/10U] (FFFKASK)
Digital Skills [L3/10U] (FFFDIGS)
Global Perspectives [L3/10U] (FFFGLOP)
Introduction to Computing [L3/10U] (FFFI2CO)
Term 2
Academic Writing Skills [L3/10U] (FFFACWS)
Critical Thinking [L3/10U] (FFFCRTH)
Mathematics for Computing [L3/20U] (FFFM4CO)
Term 3
Advanced Academic Skills [L3/10U] (FFFADAS)
Research Skills [L3/10U] (FFFRSKS)
Fundamentals of Computing [L3/20U] (FFFFUOC)
Term 4
Mathematical Methods [L3/20U] (FFFMAME)
Evolution of Computing [L3/20U] (FFFEVOC)
Introduction to Web Computing [L3/20U] (FFFIWEB)
Foundation Examination
Term 5
Introduction to Computer Systems [L4/15U] (SUFITCS)
Understanding Business and Management with Embedded Academic Skills [L4/30U] (BUFUNBM)
Preliminary 1 Examination
Term 6
Problem Solving and Programming 1 [L4/15U] (SUFPSP1)
Information-based Decision Making [L4/15U] (BUFIBDM)
Skills and Professional Development [L5/15U] (SUFSK5A) **
Term 7
Introduction to Operating Systems [L4/15U] (SUFITOS)
Problem Solving and Programming 2 [L4/15U] (SUFPSP4)
Skills and Professional Development [L5/15U] (SUFSK5A) **
Preliminary 2 Examination
Term 8
One of:
Principles of Database Systems [L5/15U]
User Experience (UX) Design [L5/15U] (FCLP7)
Object Oriented Programming [L5/15U] (SUFOOPG)
Skills and Professional Development [L5/15U] (SUFSK5A) **
Behaviour in Organisations [L5/15U] (BUFBEHO)
Term 9
Software Engineering [L5/15U] (SUFSEN5)
Principles of Computer Networks [L5/15U] (SUFPRCN)
Skills and Professional Development [L5/15U] (SUFSK5A) **
Sustainable Operations [L5/15U] (BUFSOPS)
Part 1 Examination
Term 10
One of:
Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence [L5/15U]
Fundamentals of Cyber Security and Cryptography [L5/15U] (FCLP6)
Project [L6/45U] (SUFPRJT) *
Skills and Professional Development [L5/15U] (SUFSK5A) **
One of:
Psychology of Work [L6/15U]
Managing People and Change [L6/15U] (BMXXXXXX01)
Term 11
Web Applications Development [L6/15U] (SUFWAD6)
Project [L6/45U] (SUFPRJT) *
Skills and Professional Development [L5/15U] (SUFSK5A) **
One of:
Corporate Strategy and Strategic Management [L6/15U]
Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship [L6/15U] (BMXXXXXX02)
Part 2 Stage 1 Examination
Term 12
Software Project Management [L6/15U] (SUFSWPM)
Project [L6/45U] (SUFPRJT) *
Skills and Professional Development [L5/15U] (SUFSK5A) **
Business Simulation [L6/15U] (BUFBUSI)
Term 13
Cloud Computing [L6/15U] (SUFCLDC)
Cross-cultural Management [L5/15U] (BUFCCM5)
Skills and Professional Development [L5/15U] (SUFSK5A) **
Part 2 Stage 2 Examination

** Skills and Professional Development module runs across the entire programme and is assessed as a module within the last term of the programme.
* Please note there are Special Regulations governing this programme, which can be reviewed in the University of ³Ô¹ÏÍø’s regulations Handbook: /about/handbooks/regulations-handbook