Name of Programme
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance with integrated Foundation
Final Award
BSc (Hons)
Awarding Institution/Body
University Of ³Ô¹ÏÍø
Teaching Institution
University Of ³Ô¹ÏÍø
School of Study
School of Business [Accounting and Finance]
Programme Code(s)
UBSF0SAF / Full Time / 3 Years
Professional Body Accreditation
Relevant Subject Benchmark Statement (SBS)
QAA: Accounting 2019
QAA: Finance
QAA: Finance
Admission Criteria
Satisfactory completion of year 12 (or equivalent)
GCSE: maths and English C/4
IELTS 6.0 (with a minimum of 5.5 in each component)
GCSE: maths and English C/4
IELTS 6.0 (with a minimum of 5.5 in each component)
Applicable Cohort(s)
Autumn 2017 onwards
FHEQ Level
Summary of Programme
The three year BSc in Accounting and Finance Management is designed for students who need additional preparation prior to undergraduate level study. The first year of the programme is intended to provide a foundation in both knowledge and academic skills for the more specialist subjects in years two and three. The main body of the programme is designed to build essential knowledge and skills. The programme also provides an opportunity for students to study a wide range of general business and accounting subject areas. In addition, completion of the degree provides students with eligibility for a number of professional exemptions enabling future continuation of their studies to become a fully qualified accountant.
Educational Aims of the Programme
Year 1 :
The programme aims to:
• to equip students to become independent learners, facilitating the successful continuation of their studies in years two and three.
• to develop students’ ability to construct and communicate logical arguments clearly;
• to help students acquire and practise strategies for effective reading and for academic vocabulary development;
• to provide opportunities for students to develop academic skills;
• to train students in language awareness;
• to encourage students to develop general study skills, particularly including the ability to learn independently using a variety of source materials;
• to stimulate engagement and participation in the learning process;
• to encourage students to become autonomous learners.
Years 2 and 3 :
The programme aims to:
• Provide a comprehensive foundation for students intending to pursue a further professional accountancy qualification on graduation.
• Provide a comprehensive introduction to the worlds of accountancy practice, commerce, industry and finance.
• Develop the knowledge and skills essential for employment in the modern business environment
The programme aims to:
• to equip students to become independent learners, facilitating the successful continuation of their studies in years two and three.
• to develop students’ ability to construct and communicate logical arguments clearly;
• to help students acquire and practise strategies for effective reading and for academic vocabulary development;
• to provide opportunities for students to develop academic skills;
• to train students in language awareness;
• to encourage students to develop general study skills, particularly including the ability to learn independently using a variety of source materials;
• to stimulate engagement and participation in the learning process;
• to encourage students to become autonomous learners.
Years 2 and 3 :
The programme aims to:
• Provide a comprehensive foundation for students intending to pursue a further professional accountancy qualification on graduation.
• Provide a comprehensive introduction to the worlds of accountancy practice, commerce, industry and finance.
• Develop the knowledge and skills essential for employment in the modern business environment
Programme Outcomes
Knowledge and Understanding
Knowledge and understanding:On successful completion of the programme, students should be able to:
Year 1:
1. Use English effectively for academic study
2. Demonstrate the use of sources of information
3. Demonstrate a knowledge of the structures, functions, processes and cultures pertaining to a range of social organisations,
4. Demonstrate a knowledge of the external environment within which organizations operate, including the political, social, economic and technological contexts at both national and international levels
5. Obtain a basic foundation of the knowledge required to undertake study at a higher level in their chosen academic specialisation.
Years 2&3
1. Critically evaluate some of the contexts in which accounting operates (include the legal, ethical, social and natural environment; the accountancy profession; the business entity; the capital markets; the public sector)
2. Appropriately and correctly use the main current technical language and practices of accounting (for example, recognition, measurement and disclosure in financial statements; managerial accounting; auditing; taxation) in a specified socio-economic domain
3. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of some of the alternative technical languages and practices of accounting
4. Record and summarise transactions and other economic events; prepare financial statements; analyse the operations of business (for example, decision analysis, performance measurement and management control); complete financial analysis and projections (for example, analysis of financial ratios, discounted cash flow analysis, budgeting, financial risks)
5. Critically evaluate contemporary theories and empirical evidence concerning accounting in at least one of its contexts (for example, accounting and capital markets; accounting and the firm; accounting and the public sector; accounting and society; accounting and sustainability)
6. Articulate theories and empirical evidence concerning financial management, risk and the operation of capital markets
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Teaching/Learning StrategyYear 1
Students are taught in a combination of lectures, seminars and small group tutorials with practical classes as appropriate. Teaching is supported by the use of module texts, and journal articles. The use of IT is embedded in the curriculum Understanding is reinforced by support from tutors in the form of comments based on their assignment answers. (ILO:1-5)
Years 2 and 3
Students gain knowledge and develop skills through:
• Lectures, traditional and interactive.
• Discussions in small group tutorials and through preparation for them.
• Solving problems, taking questionnaires, using case studies and participation in question and answer sessions
• Preparation of assignments, literature reviews and presentations during courses.
• Preparation for all forms of assessment (including examinations) both summative and formative
• Independent study, reading textbooks, journals, newspapers and other online material.
• Participation in workshops, computer practicals and upgrade sessions
• Watching video material
• Attending lectures by visiting speakers
• Using Moodle and textbook websites
Assessment Strategy
Assessment Strategy:Year 1: (1-5)
Students are formally assessed on what is taught by completing individual tutor marked assignments, presentations individual projects and a group project. Knowledge and understanding is also tested through unseen written examinations in each course
Years 2 and 3
Students’ knowledge and understanding will be formally assessed by:
• Examinations
• Class tests, including short answer/multiple choice tests
• Practical exercises
• Timed essays
• Written reports, group and individual
• Literature reviews
• Group and individual Presentations
• Group and individual assignments or projects
• Seminar performance
Programme Outcomes
Cognitive Skills
Cognitive (thinking) skills:On successful completion of the programme, students should be able to:
Year 1:
1. Analyse problems, sifting the irrelevant from the relevant, and expressing the results in both written and oral forms
2. Evaluate proposed solutions using appropriate methods
3. Integrate knowledge and skills from various sources into a coherent whole, making appropriate abstractions
4. Synthesise arguments from underlying
premises to produce overall conclusions
5. Heightened awareness of differences in culture, historical context, values and political structures
Years 2 and 3
1. Critically evaluate arguments and evidence
2. Solve a variety of problems (structured/unstructured problems, when given complete/incomplete information).
3. Locate, extract and analyse data from multiple sources, including the acknowledgement and referencing of sources and apply such data in problem solving exercises.
4. Demonstrate the ability to learn independently and self-manage learning
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Teaching/Learning Strategy:Year 1:
The principles are discussed in the module texts, lectures and seminars, with many examples given to aid understanding of the processes involved. The students are also provided with practical activities to develop cognitive skills, utilising case study materials and computer software. Assignments are designed to demonstrate the skills of analysis, evaluation and integration.
The essays and projects are extended opportunities for students to further develop and be assessed on these skills (CS:1-5)
Years 2 and 3 (CS:1-5)
• Preparation of assignments, such as essays, presentations and literature reviews
• Preparation of tutorial assignments and resulting discussions
• Completion of problem solving exercises
• Encouraging reading and reflection on set texts and additional material, online journals, newspapers etc.
• Making use of textbook websites and other online resources. Upgrade sessions will help to develop study skills
• Students will be given the opportunity to apply knowledge to solve practical problems.
Assessment Strategy
Assessment Strategy:(CS:1-5)
• Timed Essays
• Written Reports
• Examinations
• Literature Reviews
• Case Studies
Programme Outcomes
Practical/Transferable Skills
Practical skills (subject specific):1. Numeracy skills, including the ability to manipulate financial and other numerical data and to appreciate statistical concepts at an appropriate level
2. Skills in the use of communications and information technology in acquiring, analysing and communicating information (currently these skills include the use of spreadsheets, word processing software, online databases)
3. Communication skills including the ability to present quantitative and qualitative information, together with analysis, argument and commentary, in a form appropriate to the intended audience
4. An ability to work in groups, and other interpersonal skills, including oral as well as written presentation skills
Transferable skills (generic):
On successful completion of the programme, students should be able to demonstrate:
1. Data management skills
2. Communication skills: including presentation skills
3. Leadership and team-building skills
4. Time management skills
5. Decision-making and problem-solving skills
6. Life-long learning skills
7. Numeracy skills,
8. Skills in the use of CIT
9. Team working skills
10. Interpersonal skills
11. Adaptability/Flexibility
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Teaching/Learning Strategy:(1-4)
• Students will be exposed to a variety of workshops and practical exercises helping to develop numeracy and IT skills.
• Upgrade sessions will help to develop study skills
• Students will be encouraged to use Moodle and other online resources to aid learning and develop IT skills.
• Students will be required to write and and present assignments both as individuals and in groups
• Students will be required to prepare spreadsheets and worksheets, use Word and Excel and learn the basics of file management. Other computer software packages will also be introduced.
• Students will be given the opportunity to apply knowledge to solve practical problems.
Teaching/Learning Strategy:
Year 1
Data management skills are fully integrated throughout the programme. Role-play exercises, case studies, debates and individual and group presentations facilitate the development of communication, interpersonal skills, time management and team working.
Years 2 and 3:
Students will be exposed to a variety of workshops and practical exercises helping to develop numeracy and IT skills, in QM extra seminars will be provided for those with weak numeracy skills
• Students will be encouraged to use Moodle and other online resources to aid learning and develop CIT skills.
• Students will be required to write and present assignments both as individuals and in groups
• Students will be required to prepare spreadsheets and worksheets, use Word and Excel and learn the basics of file management. Other computer software packages will also be introduced.
• Tutorial exercises and assignments will develop problem solving skills
Assessment Strategy
Assessment Strategy:(PS:1-4)
Practical skills in areas 1-4 are assessed by coursework, examinations, projects and presentations.
Assessment Strategy:
Year 1 (TS 1-10)
Assessment of key skills is via written coursework, individual and group presentations and examinations
Years 2 and 3 (TS 1-10)
• Examinations
• Multiple choice tests, short answer based tests.
• Individual & group assignments, projects and presentations
• Tutorial Performance
External Reference Points
• Framework for Higher Education Qualifications ();
• Subject Benchmark statement for Accounting ()
• How to Use Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria by David Gosling and Jenny Moon. Published by SEEC. ().
• Subject Benchmark statement for Accounting ()
• How to Use Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria by David Gosling and Jenny Moon. Published by SEEC. ().
Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information on the learning outcomes, content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each course unit/module can be found in the departmental or programme handbook. The accuracy of the information contained in this document is reviewed annually by the University of ³Ô¹ÏÍø and may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency.
Date of Production
Date approved by School Learning and Teaching Committee
Date approved by School Board of Study
Date approved by University Learning and Teaching Committee
Date of Annual Review
In line with the University Annual Monitoring Review process.
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance with integrated Foundation
UBSF0SAF / Full Time / January Entry [IFP]
Term 1
Key Foundation Skills [L3/10U] (FFFKFSK)
Academic Skills for Business [L3/10U] (FFFASFB)
Life and Institutions [L3/10U] (FFFLIIN)
Understanding Business in a Global World [L3/10U] (FFFUBGW)
Term 2
English and Study Skills [L3/10U] (FFFENSS)
English for Business [L3/10U] (FFFENGB)
Essential Mathematics [L3/10U] (FFFESMA)
The Economic Environment of Business [L3/10U] (FFFEEBS)
Term 3
English for Academic Studies [L3/10U] (FFFENAS)
Enterprise in Business [L3/10U] (FFFEIBU)
English for Business 2 [L3/10U] (FFFE4B2)
Introduction to Financial Studies [L3/10U] (FFFITFS)
Foundation Examination
Term 4
Understanding Business and Management with Embedded Academic Skills [L4/30U] (BUFUNBM)
Preliminary 1 Examination
Term 5
Introduction to Financial Accounting [L4/15U] (BUFITFA)
Information-based Decision Making [L4/15U] (BUFIBDM)
Term 6
Introduction to Management Accounting [L4/15U] (BUFITMA)
Economics for Business [L4/15U] (BUFEC4B)
Marketing Fundamentals [L4/15U] (BUFMFUN)
Preliminary 2 Examination
Term 7
Management Accounting [L5/15U] (BUFMGAC)
Law of Obligation [L5/15U] (BUFLWOB)
Behaviour in Organisations [L5/15U] (BUFBEHO)
Term 8
Financial Accounting [L5/15U] (BUFFIAC)
Principles of Corporate Law [L5/15U] (BUFPOCL)
Auditing Theory [L5/15U] (BUFAUTH)
Part 1 Examination
Term 9
Financial Management [L5/30U] (BUFFMGM)
Financial Reporting [L6/30U] (BUFFREP)
Advance Management Accounting [L6/15U] (BUFAVMA)
Term 10
Financial Management [L5/30U] (BUFFMGM)
Financial Reporting [L6/30U] (BUFFREP)
Taxation A [L5/15U] (BUFTAXA)
Part 2 Stage 1 Examination
Term 11
Taxation B [L6/15U] (BUFTAXB)
Business Simulation [L6/15U] (BUFBUSI)
Term 12
Audit and Assurance [L6/15U] (BUFAUAA)
Financial Risk Management [L6/15U] (BUFFRMG)
Statistics for Business & Economics [L6/15U] (BUFSFBE)
Part 2 Stage 2 Examination
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance with integrated Foundation
UBSF0SAF / Full Time / September Entry [PATHWAY]
Term 1
Key Academic Skills [L3/10U] (FFFKASK)
Global Perspectives [L3/10U] (FFFGLOP)
Understanding Business in a Global World [L3/10U] (FFFUBGW)
Digital Skills [L3/10U] (FFFDIGS)
Term 2
Academic Writing Skills [L3/10U] (FFFACWS)
Critical Thinking [L3/10U] (FFFCRTH)
Enterprise in Business [L3/10U] (FFFEIBU)
Introduction to Financial Studies [L3/10U] (FFFITFS)
Term 3
Advanced Academic Skills [L3/10U] (FFFADAS)
Research Skills [L3/10U] (FFFRSKS)
The Economic Environment of Business [L3/10U] (FFFEEBS)
Introduction to Quantitative Methods [L3/10U] (FFFIQME)
Foundation Examination
Term 4
Understanding Business and Management with Embedded Academic Skills [L4/30U] (BUFUNBM)
Preliminary 1 Examination
Term 5
Introduction to Financial Accounting [L4/15U] (BUFITFA)
Information-based Decision Making [L4/15U] (BUFIBDM)
Term 6
Introduction to Management Accounting [L4/15U] (BUFITMA)
Economics for Business [L4/15U] (BUFEC4B)
Marketing Fundamentals [L4/15U] (BUFMFUN)
Preliminary 2 Examination
Term 7
Management Accounting [L5/15U] (BUFMGAC)
Law of Obligation [L5/15U] (BUFLWOB)
Behaviour in Organisations [L5/15U] (BUFBEHO)
Term 8
Financial Accounting [L5/15U] (BUFFIAC)
Principles of Corporate Law [L5/15U] (BUFPOCL)
Auditing Theory [L5/15U] (BUFAUTH)
Part 1 Examination
Term 9
Financial Management [L5/30U] (BUFFMGM)
Financial Reporting [L6/30U] (BUFFREP)
Advance Management Accounting [L6/15U] (BUFAVMA)
Term 10
Financial Management [L5/30U] (BUFFMGM)
Financial Reporting [L6/30U] (BUFFREP)
Taxation A [L5/15U] (BUFTAXA)
Part 2 Stage 1 Examination
Term 11
Taxation B [L6/15U] (BUFTAXB)
Business Simulation [L6/15U] (BUFBUSI)
Term 12
Audit and Assurance [L6/15U] (BUFAUAA)
Financial Risk Management [L6/15U] (BUFFRMG)
Statistics for Business & Economics [L6/15U] (BUFSFBE)
Part 2 Stage 2 Examination
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance with integrated Foundation
UBSF0SAF / Full Time / January Entry [PATHWAY]
Term 1
Key Academic Skills [L3/10U] (FFFKASK)
Global Perspectives [L3/10U] (FFFGLOP)
Understanding Business in a Global World [L3/10U] (FFFUBGW)
Digital Skills [L3/10U] (FFFDIGS)
Term 2
Academic Writing Skills [L3/10U] (FFFACWS)
Critical Thinking [L3/10U] (FFFCRTH)
Introduction to Quantitative Methods [L3/10U] (FFFIQME)
The Economic Environment of Business [L3/10U] (FFFEEBS)
Term 3
Research Skills [L3/10U] (FFFRSKS)
Advanced Academic Skills [L3/10U] (FFFADAS)
Enterprise in Business [L3/10U] (FFFEIBU)
Introduction to Financial Studies [L3/10U] (FFFITFS)
Foundation Examination
Term 4
Understanding Business and Management with Embedded Academic Skills [L4/30U] (BUFUNBM)
Preliminary 1 Examination
Term 5
Introduction to Financial Accounting [L4/15U] (BUFITFA)
Information-based Decision Making [L4/15U] (BUFIBDM)
Term 6
Introduction to Management Accounting [L4/15U] (BUFITMA)
Economics for Business [L4/15U] (BUFEC4B)
Marketing Fundamentals [L4/15U] (BUFMFUN)
Preliminary 2 Examination
Term 7
Management Accounting [L5/15U] (BUFMGAC)
Law of Obligation [L5/15U] (BUFLWOB)
Behaviour in Organisations [L5/15U] (BUFBEHO)
Term 8
Financial Accounting [L5/15U] (BUFFIAC)
Principles of Corporate Law [L5/15U] (BUFPOCL)
Auditing Theory [L5/15U] (BUFAUTH)
Part 1 Examination
Term 9
Financial Management [L5/30U] (BUFFMGM)
Financial Reporting [L6/30U] (BUFFREP)
Advance Management Accounting [L6/15U] (BUFAVMA)
Term 10
Financial Management [L5/30U] (BUFFMGM)
Financial Reporting [L6/30U] (BUFFREP)
Taxation A [L5/15U] (BUFTAXA)
Part 2 Stage 1 Examination
Term 11
Taxation B [L6/15U] (BUFTAXB)
Business Simulation [L6/15U] (BUFBUSI)
Term 12
Audit and Assurance [L6/15U] (BUFAUAA)
Financial Risk Management [L6/15U] (BUFFRMG)
Statistics for Business & Economics [L6/15U] (BUFSFBE)
Part 2 Stage 2 Examination